*Under Contract* Computer Hardware Supplier, Servicing and Managing IT Support [2406011]

  • Long Established Businss with solid Reputation
  • Profitable Private Business with Consistent Earnings
  • Vendor Willing to assist with Transition
  • Experienced and dedicated Staff
  • Prime location with High visibility and foot traffic
  • Large customer bases ensuring steady revenue
  • Owner retiring perfect opportunity for new management

For more information and inspection, please contact

Agent: Varsha

Mobile: 0404 615 446

Email: varsha@ngbsm.com.au

Office: (03) 9942 4104

Web:   www.ngbsm.com.au

****Sales Rep required**** For further information please contact us at admin@ngbsm.com.au

Suburb Balwyn
Price Offers welcome
Business Type Business
Business ID 1350
Category Services, Services, Retail

Agent Details

Varsha Sherpa photo

Varsha Sherpa

0404 615 446
View Profile